Monday, February 1, 2010


Two blogs in the span of a week, that's some pretty impressive stuff.

I realized recently that I don't consider all the positive things in my life nearly enough. Last March my boyfriend of three years and I broke up, and every day since then, or at least last semester, I spent time wondering why he had a girlfriend now and I still had yet to go on a date. I'm a firm believer in everything happening for a reason, and so I had myself convinced that now simply wasn't the time for me to find someone. Towards the end of the semester I found someone that I really really liked, and I thought that it had potential to go somewhere, but things were complicated, so it never did. I thought a lot over Christmas break about how it felt to not have someone there all the time. When you get out of a long term relationship I think that it takes a lot of time to get used to not having someone there for you all the time. But as I thought about it I realized, I'm more independent than I have ever been in my life. I would love to find someone, but I'm not willing to settle, and I want to find someone who appreciates me and all I have to offer instead of someone who tries to control me and make me into something I'm not. I love who I am, and I want someone who will love me for the big geek I am too. Not only that, but everything else in my life is great.

Speaking of great, so far I have some awesome stuff to work on in the showcase. I'm singing Die Vampire Die from Title of Show and a chortet called Are You Me? from the Mistress Cycle. I"m not sure if there will be more but I'm so excited to get to do such versatile pieces, and I"m a sucker for a good comedy piece. I'm really excited about all the music in this show, and I think that it's really going to be a great project to work on.

School's busy as always, but today turned out to be the easiest Monday ever considering all of my classes except my Gen Ed were cancelled. I'm not sure that I'll know what to do with myself when next Monday rolls around and I actually have all of my classes at once.

I'm glad that I'm blogging today because I want to remember this high I'm feeling, so that when I'm feeling not so great I can come back and read this and remember what this felt like. I honestly haven't been this happy in a very long time. I just pray that things continue looking up and heading in the right direction, especially with summerstock auditions coming up in less than a month.

That's all I really have to ramble about, I hope everyone else who reads this blog which is probably a total of 2 people are having wonderful days as well.


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