Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Life and Times.

I've been thinking about taking up blogging again for a very long time, but I never knew what I would write about, or for that matter, if I did blog if people would actually take the time to read what I wrote. But here I am, back on the blog scene. I'm going to try and actually keep up with this, although I usually write like 10 entries and then fail.

I am back in the city after a long time at home. It's strange because while I was there I was bored out of my mind, and now that I'm back I miss my family a lot. That aside, it is nice to be back in my place where I can do what I want, when I want and not worry about stepping on any toes.

I feel like 2010 holds a lot of promise for me. 2009 was such a trying year, where I learned a lot, but I also endured a lot. I feel like if I met me now at this time last year I wouldn't have believed myself. I became such a different person after everything happened towards the beginning of the year, and in a way I look at it as a blessing. 2010 feels different though. It started off on a rocky foot but my steps seem to be getting surer every day. I'm excited to get back to work at school and at rehearsals.

Also, since I was inspired by Julie and Julia I've started a cooking adventure. I have no idea how to cook and I figured this would be a good hobby to take up to distract myself. Last night I made teriyaki chicken with homemade sauce with zucchini and rice and it was delicious! I was so proud. Tonight, I'm making a zucchini frittata which should be equally delicious. I love cooking. I just hope that I'll have time to keep up with it once the semester starts.

I also NEED to find another job. The job I have now is great, but its fairly inconsistent and I'd like to have something a little more regular.

So here's hoping for a great start to the semester, a great start to this cooking adventure and a great start to 2010.


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