Friday, January 29, 2010


Like I said I am absolutely dreadful at blogging. I try to keep up with it but I just can't. Presently I'm at work and I have twoish hours left.

I was in a funk all last week and I wasn't really quite sure why. It started Saturday night after my party and lasted until about Wednesday afternoon. I'd like to attribute it to PMS, but I don't think that I really can. I kept trying to pinpoint all week what exactly it was that was bothering me. I think the main problem was that I just get really inside my head sometimes, and I get really negative when I'm inside my head, and that never causes anything good to happen. I also got into worrying about my future. That will continually be a scary thing for me until I graduate and something actually happens. The good thing is, I have a plan, and a plan B and a plan C. Hopefully neither of which I will need to use, but it could happen. I was also worried because my parents have been giving me a LOT of money towards groceries, books, etc. I'm the type of person where I don't enjoy living off of other people's money, and my parents have done so much for me already. I've been desperately searching for a job but no where seems to be hiring weekend help. And just when I was about to give up, the place that I occasionally work gave me a call and asked me to come in today. I couldn't be more grateful. And on top of that, my dad was here today, so I got to see him (in fact we just said bye a minute ago.)

Things seem to be looking up. My love life is still an enigma but I almost think it's better that way. Occasionally it bothers me that I'm not particularly interested in anyone or vice versa, but I think that it's probably okay at this point in my life. Everything else is going so great that I almost don't want to screw it up with a relationship, although I do miss having someone I can call and talk to all the time. School started this past week and it is looking to be a busy semester, but I'm up for the challenge. I'm in another showcase, but the director seems really awesome and we start rehearsal on Monday night. No one will ever be like my Tony 3 cast, but I hope that this cast will be as fun and as laid back as the Tony cast.

Also, I'm loving being adventurous in cooking. It's just such a nice relaxing thing to do, and I feel so much better when I eat a healthy balanced meal versus pasta every night (though I do love a good bowl of pasta every now and again).

Hopefully this week coming up will be funk-free, and the sun will continue to keep shining like it has :)


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Life and Times.

I've been thinking about taking up blogging again for a very long time, but I never knew what I would write about, or for that matter, if I did blog if people would actually take the time to read what I wrote. But here I am, back on the blog scene. I'm going to try and actually keep up with this, although I usually write like 10 entries and then fail.

I am back in the city after a long time at home. It's strange because while I was there I was bored out of my mind, and now that I'm back I miss my family a lot. That aside, it is nice to be back in my place where I can do what I want, when I want and not worry about stepping on any toes.

I feel like 2010 holds a lot of promise for me. 2009 was such a trying year, where I learned a lot, but I also endured a lot. I feel like if I met me now at this time last year I wouldn't have believed myself. I became such a different person after everything happened towards the beginning of the year, and in a way I look at it as a blessing. 2010 feels different though. It started off on a rocky foot but my steps seem to be getting surer every day. I'm excited to get back to work at school and at rehearsals.

Also, since I was inspired by Julie and Julia I've started a cooking adventure. I have no idea how to cook and I figured this would be a good hobby to take up to distract myself. Last night I made teriyaki chicken with homemade sauce with zucchini and rice and it was delicious! I was so proud. Tonight, I'm making a zucchini frittata which should be equally delicious. I love cooking. I just hope that I'll have time to keep up with it once the semester starts.

I also NEED to find another job. The job I have now is great, but its fairly inconsistent and I'd like to have something a little more regular.

So here's hoping for a great start to the semester, a great start to this cooking adventure and a great start to 2010.
